Joel H. Gutierrez III

Rocket Scientist. Future Entrepreneur. Texan.


Upon graduation from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, I accepted an engineering position with a company that machines and fabricates for the oil and gas industry. During this time I was involved in everything from design, manufacturing, R&D, documentation control, quality and safety systems, hydraulic systems, and project management. Although this has been an incredible learning and growing opportunity, my passion has always been to pursue a career in the aerospace industry.

That is a passion that stems from an interest in science-fiction and curiosity for what lies beyond our own planet. I believe that space exploration and colonization beyond Earth is essential to the future of our species, and the key to that is ingenious propulsion systems.  

My goal is to help develop these new propulsion systems that increase access to space for everyone by making them more more efficient, not only financially but also environmentally and in terms of output. By reducing the cost to manufacture and run these propulsion systems and increasing the safety, reliability, and performance I believe that we can bridge the gap and make this a reality.

Throughout this time I would like to continue my education and obtain graduate degrees in aero- and/or thermodynamics, hopefully allowing me to transition into research and allowing me to start my own company.

Aerospace is an exciting field and I cannot wait to be a part of it. To learn more about me and my skills, experience, and interest check out my resume and my projects page. Or feel free to contact me to further discuss any of my projects or a collaboration.